Week 15

I tried to make sort of more generic project, because I thought that that would be an easier thing for other people to grasp. In that I believe I didn’t exactly succeed in this project because as our professor said, sometimes the more specif that thing is, the more people will respond to it. Also based off of the professors comments my narration of the pictures made it more personal and therefore made it a better project. To rework this project I could go in one of two directions. First is to just create a short video montage that I narrate. I actually almost did this idea to begin with, but I absolutely despise hearing my own voice, and did not want to present something where I had to listen to my voice over a speaker for a few minutes. However I see how this could make the project better, and would add to its presentation. The other idea I could do is a book that has a running story throughout. This would add the the more personal aspect of the project, and let me skip the whole problem of listening to my voice. However I believe the book is less personal and it would lose something if I went that route. This was a very different project and is something that I had never really thought of before. This added to the difficulty of the project, and I believe it showed. Looking back at the project, even though I was going for a broader connection to begin with, I think the idea of making is more personal to get to more people is waht I should have tried to begin with. If I had done that some of the pictures would have changed a little and it would have made the finished product that much better.

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